Hello! I'm

Monica Moore

I’m a Senior Product Designer based in Vancouver, Canada (but am willing to relocate!). What I love most about being a designer is solving complex and interesting problems that have a positive impact on users. I have a strong bias for action and thrive in a fast-paced, high-growth environment, where I can help ship great products!

Scroll onwards to read about some of the exciting projects I've worked on!

Orum Analytics

An experience for users to stay up to date on their performance using data.

Orum Call Library + Call History

A place for sales managers and reps to save calls for training and coaching purposes

Top Hat Student Checkout

Redesigning the experience of students purchasing their course materials through Top Hat

Abnormal Security Detection 360

Redesigning and automating the hub for reporting missed attacks and false positives

Top Hat Intro Courses

Transforming our most popular textbooks into full course solutions to increase adoption + retention

Top Hat Mobile Pages

Designing the textbook reading experience in Top Hat's mobile app

Top Hat Multi-Section Management

Allowing professors to manage large multi-section courses

POF Live Onboarding

Redesigning the onboarding for POF Live to increase product activation and clarity for users

Top Hat Marketplace

Designing both an internal and external-facing place for professors to adopt Top Hat content

Clio Contact Unification

Unifying contacts across Clio's 2 platforms: Clio Grow and Clio Manage

Top Hat Test Handback

Enabling professors to hand Top Hat Tests back to students

UberPool Party

An Uber feature allowing users to pick up and drop off their friends enroute